Hemostasis of Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage by Transileocoecal and Transhepatic Obliteration

Obliteration for gastric or duodenal variceal hemorrhage was performed via transileocoecal or transhepatic portal catheterization in 8 patients with portal hypertension. The patients were 6 men and 2 women, whose average age was 59 years. All of the patients had cirrhosis of the liver. The obliteration was performed as an emergency procedure in 6 cases, and 2 patients were electively treated. Transileocoecal obliteration (TIO) and transhepatic obliteration (PTO) were selected for 6, and 2 patients, respectively. Variceal bleeding was successfully controlled in all patients after completion of the therapy. One patient died after 3 months when duodenal variceal bleeding recurred. Elective surgical operations were performed on 2 patients after the initial therapy, because the vein feeding toward the varices remained. Six of the patients have survived to date without bleeding. Transient oliguria and jaundice after the therapy were noticed in 2 patients. Histological examination revealed cast formation of polymerized cyanoacrylate in the obliterated gastric varices of 2 patients. TIO and PTO seem to be safe, effective procedures to stop bleeding from ectopic varices, gastric or duodenal. This therapy is useful either to obtain accurate information about the varices or to obliterate the collateral veins in patients with ruptured ectopic varices.
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