Parental origin of the supernumerary chromosome in trisomy 18

Ya-gang X, Robinson WP, Spiegel R, Binkert F, Ruefenacht U, Schinzel AA. Parental origin of the supernumerary chromosome in trisomy 18. Clin Genet 1993: 44: 57–61. Munksgaard, 1993 The parental origin of an extra chromosome in Edwards syndrome has been investigated in 23 families by the combination of the VNTR probe pERT25, two microsatellite polymorphisms for D18S34 and D18S40, and several two-allele polymorphisms. Of the 23 cases, 22 were informative, with 17 (77%) being maternal and 5 (23%) paternal in origin. These results support the previous investigations, suggesting that trisomy 18 is predominantly of maternal origin, although a higher rate of paternally derived cases was observed than previously reported. A significant increase in maternal age was found to be associated with meiotic nondisjunction. Parental age was increased in both the maternally and paternally derived cases, but the size of the latter class was small and did not reach statistical significance.
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