Manufacturing solutions for concrete performance

Understanding properties that influence cement's early stiffening and setting characteristics is important in identifying why a cement behaves the way it does, and providing plant personnel with manufacturing solutions to improve concrete performance. It is generally understood that the primary factor in controlling the early stiffening properties of cement is the relationship between the sulfate form and amount and the reactive aluminate components in the cement and other materials. However, the specific parameters in this relationship may not be so well understood. These include sulfate content, form, and particle size; grain size and amount of clinker aluminate phase; and cement alkali content. Conditions for controlling early stiffening are also linked to other performance properties such as strength and durability. The relationship between reactivity, sulfate requirements, and setting properties also applies to concrete mixes with fly ash, as some Class C fly ashes may contain high amounts of C/sub 3/A, free lime, or alkalies. This paper describes examples of cements with various sulfate properties, including their reactions during early hydration and their resulting paste properties. It outlines methods to characterize cement paste behavior and identify sulfate requirements, and suggests manufacturing solutions to optimize sulfate.
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