Today, “CUSTOMERS” are very significant factors in companies management with the power to change their short-term and long-term polices and strategies. Therefore enough knowledge of environment, expectations of customers and their desires are very important to find the best explanation for facing un-expected behaviors of customers and then behave in such a way to change the mind of customers in the direction of companies’ profit . It’s an art to absorb customers by using different techniques such as CRM in order to maneuver companies’ policies ahead of them. CRM can bring mammoth of benefits to corporations, but only if users adopt it. Therefore, winning over sales organizations and obtaining buy-in at all levels are crucial to the success of any CRM initiative. Front-line salespeople are often the major source of confrontation. In the past, when they have asked the question, “What’s in it for me?” the answer has been, “Not much.” The newest solutions from leading providers, with features that let salespeople work the way they want to, lessen their administrative encumber and genuinely support personal success in every aspect of the sales process. CRM encompasses a myriad of activities across the organization aimed at ensuring customer profitability. As boundary spanners, salespeople naturally play an important role in that process. CRM likewise seeks to integrate customer management activities across the firm-such as customer billing, distribution and shipping, customer service provision, and Website utilization. Traditionally, the sales force is the firm's main means of customer contact, and thus the amalgamation of selling with other CRM activities is critical. Salespeople not only serve as customer relationship managers to bolster company profits through selling, but they also act as customer feedback conduits to enrich other important activities of the firm-such as product design, customer service, production, and research and development. Such relationship management activities have been touted as central to a firm's growth. Indeed, they have spawned a number of related technologies that have changed the way salespeople build and maintain customer relationships. The present study endeavors to portray the impact of Customer Relationship Management practices in increasing the Sales Volume. The study is based on primary data collected from various Organized Retail Stores located in Indore City. This study is, therefore an effort to understand the concept of Customer Relationship Management and to work out its relation with sales volume and the ways out to land up in a win – win situation with the customers and further can develop certain strategies and the techniques that are required to cope up with the lost customers and convert them into loyal ones underlying the factors of satisfaction, retention, sales force automation, training and motivation etc. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY From the problem discussion above, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of Customer Relationship Management in increasing the sales volume of organized retail stores. In order to reach our purpose the following research question is stated:  To study the conceptual framework of CRM in Organized retail stores.  To analyze the effectiveness of CRM in improving target market effectiveness of seasonal programs and promotions.  To study the impact of CRM in increasing the revenue per customer visit, and the number of visits by customer.  To examine the impact of CRM in sales forecasting and understanding the share of market.  To study the effect of CRM on cross selling and up selling opportunities.  To identify the effectiveness of CRM on customer satisfaction and retention.  To explore the potential challenges imposed by factors in effective implementation of globalized campaigns to manage Customer relations.  To suggests the organizations regarding CRM practices based on the analyses, findings and conclusion.
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