Career Calling: Correlates in a Romanian Student Sample

INTRODUCTIONIn today's society change seems to be the only aspect that gives stability. Moreover, in a global economy and in volatile work environments, it is a challenge to find the path for career success. Taking into consideration the rapid and dynamic changes on the labor market, many scholars in the vocational psychology field develop their researches aiming to identify the main aspects which contribute to developing a successful career. Therefore, investigating the significance people attribute to their careers is essential in order to facilitate career development and work-life-balance (e.g., Duarte, 2004). In this context, concepts such as adaptability, and flexibility, competition, pressure for productivity, work-life complexity career calling are very important in order to better understand the contemporary protean careers (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Volmer & Spurk, 2011).Given the contemporary employment market characteristics, finding a meaning in career, a purpose and a significance of work are essential for the subjective and objective success in career. Many research studies show that a considerable number of individuals, students and employees are searching for, or making efforts to implement a calling in their career (e.g., Hunter, Dik, & Banning, 2010; Wrzesniewski, McCauley, Rozin, & Schwartz, 1997). One explanation for the salience of this construct in many peoples' lives seems to be the important positive consequences of calling as life satisfaction, well-being, work satisfaction, less depression, etc. (Duffy & Selacek, 2007; Peterson, Park, Hall, & Seligman, 2009; Treadgold, 1999).The theoretical framework underlying our study is the career construction theory (Savickas, 2013), explaining career as a process in which individuals impose personal meanings on their vocational choices, occupational transitions, and future aspirations. From the perspective of career construction theory (Savickas, 2013), career calling is a process in which individuals impose personal meanings on their career. A high level of calling motivates individuals to develop the relevant career competence.CAREER CALLING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATESThe research in the field of calling in careers is still in its emerging state and the scientific studies examining this construct in European Eastern cultures are almost inexistent. The most recent studies refer to the sense of calling as the phenomenon of perceived meaning in work and career, as a sense of higher purpose, meaningful to oneself and to the larger community (Dik & Duffy, 2009; Hall & Chandler, 2005 as cited in Hirschi, 2010). It seems that people who reported having a calling, experience a fit between personal interests and job requirements (Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010; Hagmaier & Abele, 2012). At the same time, people having a calling are oriented to behaviors that contribute to the good of humanity (Bunderson & Thompson, 2009) and find (a) meaning in performing theirs career (cf. . Dik, Eldridge, Steger, & Duffy, 2012; Hunter et al., 2010). Also, some people with a sense of calling perceive it (their calling) as guided by a transcendent force (God, destiny, etc.) ( Dik et al., 2012; Elangovan et al., Zhang, Dik, Wei, & Zhang, 2014). In line with recent conceptualizations of the construct of calling (e.g., Dik et al., 2012; Elangovan et al., 2010; Hunter, Dik, & Banning, 2010), Hagmaier and Abele (2012) define calling as a multidimensional construct with three components: Identification Person Environment-Fit, Sense and Meaning and Value-Driven. Behavior, and Transcendent Guiding Force. Identification Person Environment-Fit refers to the peoples' identification with their work in order to realize their full potential while performing their work. Sense and Meaning and Value-Driven Behavior refers to the meaning that people give to their work and to the fact that they show value-driven behavior (e. …
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