Lignocaine as a topical analgesia for post-operative nasal pack removal: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial

The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of topical lignocaine in reducing the pain of pack removal after nasal surgery. Fifty-eight patients with Merocel nasal packs in situ after nasal surgery were randomized to receive 10 ml of either 2 per cent lignocaine or 0.9 per cent saline on the packs 10 minutes prior to their removal and the pain experienced on their removal was recorded on a visual analogue scale. The median pain score was 3.4 in the lignocaine group and 2.9 in the saline group with no statistical evidence of a difference between the two groups. There was no statistical evidence of an association between the group and the operation performed, the use of intra-operative Moffat's solution or the use of post-operative oral analgesia. We conclude that lignocaine used in this way does not reduce the pain of pack removal after nasal surgery.
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