Transport into and across the scrape-off layer in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor tokamak

The elements of transport into and across the scrape-off layer in the poloidal divertor tokamak ASDEX Upgrade are analysed for different operational regimes with emphasis on enhanced confinement regimes with an edge barrier. Utilizing the existing set of edge diagnostics, especially the high-resolution multi-pulse edge Thomson scattering system, in combination with long discharge plateaus, radial sweeps and advanced averaging techniques, detailed radial mid-plane profiles of diverted plasmas are obtained. Profiles are smooth across the separatrix, indicating strong radial correlation, and there is no remarkable variation across the second separatrix either. Together with measured input, recycling, pumping and bypass fluxes, a corrected separatrix position is determined and transport characteristics are derived in the different radial zones generally identified in the profile structure. Transport in the steep gradient region inside and across the separatrix shows typical ballooning-type critical electron pressure gradient scaling and, in parallel, even a clear correlation between radial electron density and temperature decay lengths (e.g. η e = d(ln T)/d(ln n) ∼ 2 for type-I ELMy H-modes). These findings indicate the importance of stiff profiles in this region, while diffusion coefficients are secondary parameters, determined essentially by the source distribution. The outer scrape-off layer wing exhibits a more filamentary structure with preferential outward drift especially in high-performance discharges, with formal diffusion coefficients far above the Bohm value in agreement with results on the old ASDEX experiment. A basic mechanism involved there seems to be partial loss of equilibrium and fast curvature-driven outward acceleration, in principle well known from theory, investigated decades ago in pinch experiments and utilized recently in high-field-side pellet fuelling.
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