Мукоцилиарный транспорт и микробиота полости носа, околоносовых пазух при хроническом риносинусите, ассоциированном с гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезнью

The aim of our investigation was to estimate the mucociliary clearance (MC), the spectrum of bacterial communities discharged from the middle meatus and sinus aspirates in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), patients with CRS without GERD and healthy volunteers. The study included 30 patients with CRS and GERD, 34 patients without GERD аnd 30 healthy volunteers. Association with CRS and GERD was characterized by statistically significant slowing of MC and quantitative and qualitative changing of characteristics of the nasal mucosa microflora, but not of the paranasal sinuses. In the group of patients with CRS with GERD, MC amounted to 28.5 ± 4.7 min, in the group without GERD - 23.6 ± 2.7 min, in the healthy group - 5.8 ± 1 min. S. аureus (р = 0.009), E. mli (р = 0.029) and Candida albicans (р = 0.013) were detected in the mucosa of the middle meatus of patients with CRS and GERD more than in patients with CRS without GERD. No significant differences in the microflora of the paranasal sinus aspirate were revealed.
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