Anticipative And Collective Strategic Intelligence Improving The Organizations' Adaptation Skills

Organizations have always faced the necessity of adaptation to constant changes in business environment. But the opening of markets, business globalization, growing competitiveness, acceleration of technological discoveries and socio-cultural evolution have increased this condition. In order to adapt and to make a lasting competitiveness possible, an organization must be prepared to face changes in an anticipated and organized way. For this purpose, it is essential to know the environment and to accept the level of uncertainty, paying attention to all the environmental changes and developing pro-active capacity, aiming at a competitive advantage. This is the opportunity of structuring the activity of Anticipative and Collective Strategic Intelligence (IEAc) in an organization. In this study, we discuss some aspects that can influence an improvement of this problematic, defending that a better condition of choice could be reached if there was an anticipated preparation towards competitors related to some events that have impact in the organization’s continuity.
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