The personality types and psychological contract interaction to corporate reflection Kişilik kuramları ve psikolojik sözleşme etkileşiminin işletmelere yansıması

Psychological contract  try to bring light to the bottom of why their behavior and reactions. Those who are employed if examined in this different way can clarify expectations and it can be beneficial to social cohesion as to employment, productivity, trade. Human nature contains diverse and opposing forces. These are our racial heritage, the environmental conditions and the personal world over which one builds on them. These occurrences enter into each other over time and interact with the purposes of the operator. Karen Horney while the pathology of certain characters and character types, alienation, self-realization, true self, is extremely different interpretations of the concepts of traditional psychology ideal image and self-hatred. Karen Horney's path the use of energy and ideas to self-realization of man's and is passion to be perfect imposed  that is ilness in our age, the disease is important for businesses. What should want the business running? Always and everywhere, "Is that perfect? Business and human relations are dealt again. This study examines the relationship between psychological contracts and personality types, and investigates the importance and weight of Karen Horney's personality analysis. It is aimed to solve the relation network methodologically. Extended English summary is in the end of  Full Text  PDF (TURKISH)  file . Ozet Psikolojik sozlesme calisanlarin tavir, davranis ve tepkilerindeki dip nedenlere aydinlik getirmeye calismaktadir. Istihdam edilenlere bu farkli yaklasim beklentileri netlestirebilecek ve de  istihdama, verime, dis ticarete, toplumsal butunluge fayda saglayabilecektir. Insan dogasi cesitli ve birbirine zit gucleri ihtiva etmektedir. Bunlar irsi mirasimiz, cevresel kosullar ve zaman icinde kisinin bunlarin ustune kendisinin olusturdugu kisisel dunyadir. Bu olusumlar zaman icinde  birbiri ile icice girmekte ve isletmenin amaclariyla etkilesmektedir. Karen Horney’in  insanin icsel enerjisinin kendini gerceklestirme yolunda kullanilmasi konusunda ve cagimizda dayatilan mukemmel olma tutkusunu hastalik olarak gorme fikirleri isletmeler icin  onemlidir. Isletmeler calisanlarindan ne istemelidir? Her zaman ve her yerde “mukemmel olmayi mi?  Isletme ve insan iliskisi yeniden ele alinmaktadir. Bu calisma psikolojik sozlesme ile kisilik tipleri arasindaki iliskiyi incelemekte, Karen Horneyin kisilik tahlilinin onemi ve agirligini arastirmaktadir. Metodolojik olarak iliski agini cozmek amaclanmistir.
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