Flow Equations In Arbitrary Signature

We discuss general bosonic configurations of four-dimensional N=2 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets in (t,s) space-time. The supergravity theories with Euclidean and neutral signature are described by the so-called para-special K\"ahler geometry. For extremal solutions, we derive in a unified fashion, using the equations of motion, the flow equations for all space-time signatures. Demanding that the solutions with neutral and Euclidean signatures admit unbroken supersymmetry, we derive the constraints, known as the stabilisation equations, on the para-covariantly holomorphic sections expressed in terms of the adapted coordinates. The stabilisation equations expressed in terms of the para-complex sections imply generalised flow equations in terms of para-complex central charge. For Euclidean and neutral signature, it is demonstrated that solutions for either signs of gauge kinetic terms are mapped into each other via field redefinitions.
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