Association between carotid lesions evaluated by Doppler color echocardiography and cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly. Preliminary results

BACKGROUND: The valuation of the extracranial carotid by echo color-Doppler takes on an extraordinary importance for the prevention of cerebral ictus at geriatric age. In this "naturalistic" study a population of old people (> 65 yrs) of Cagliari's province was considered in order to: 1) discriminate the lesions of the carotid that are imputed to atherosclerotic disease by anatomic changes of the arterial wall caused by aging; 2) study relations between lesions of the carotid and cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: The carotids of 50 old subjects were studied by echo color-Doppler and the lesion classified in different classes of severity, according to the hemodynamic standard, comparing them with the presence of the most important cardiovascular risk factors. Hypercholesterolemia was the most frequent risk factor (76%), followed by hypertension (62%), over-weight (54%) and smoking (42%). Moreover a diffused intima-media thickening (IMT) was constant in all the subjects with values > 0.75 mm; athero-sclerotic plaques were even present in 39 subjects which only in 4 cases could be considered at risk of cerebral ischemia. RESULTS: A significant correlation between the severity of the lesions and levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol for the male sex emerged, while for smoking only a trend of correlation has been obtained. CONCLUSIONS: Considering this experience it is suggested that in old subjects the presence of a diffused IMT with values > 0.75 mm must be considered as a marker of aging of the arterial wall of the carotid and not as a cardiovascular risk factor as reported in the literature for the middleaged.
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