Mechanical circulatory support towards the permanent implantation

Experience on wearable LVAS Novacor support accumulated since the first implantation in March 1993, includes in November 1995, seven cases (six male, one female, mean age 34) of cardiogenic shock, unresponsive to optimal medical management referred for urgent transplantation. Post-implantation period was free of any major incident in all but one, allowing transplantation in five, on an elective basis, and prolongation of the waiting period, at home in two. This experience suggests that a major breakthrough in the technology of mechanical support has been achieved: patients awaiting transplantation can be discharged home, which is both the result and an contributing factor of a satisfactory quality of life. This improvement allows speculations on coming studies on permanent implantation of the wearable LVAS Novacor, as an alternative therapy to cardiac transplantation.
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