Uji Kelinieran Keruntuhan Batuan Antara Kuat Tarik, Kuat Tekan Uniaksial dan Kuat Triaksial Batu Gamping

Abstract . To determine the relation among the tensile strength, pressure strength, and triaxial strength in the linear regression model, the rock failure test was done. The method applied in this research was the failure criterion analysis from Mohr-Coulomb which was to determine the cohesion and the internal shear angle values as well as to present the parametric statistical analysis by using the simple linear regression variant analysis (AVANA) to prove the hypothesis of the relation among the tensile strength, pressure strength, and triaxial strength in the linear regression model. The results showed the physical characteristics of the limestone, such as the water content of ±10-13%, the original density of ±1.8-2.3 gr.cm 3 , the original specific weight of ±2.5-2.6, the saturation degree of ±40-83%, the porosity of ±14-33%, and the pore space number of ±1-1.2. Besides, the results showed the mechanical characteristics of limestone, such as the rock pressure strength of ±9-30 Mpa, the elastic modulus of ±1900-9000 Mpa, the poisson’s ratio of ±0.25-0.27 Mpa, the indirect tensile strength of ±3-4.5 Mpa, the cohesion of 5.2 Mpa, and the internal shear angle of 30.96⁰. The linearity analysis used the significance level of α=0.05. For the 1 st hypothesis, according to the criterion applied, the result was 3121,857 > 4.84 or F count > F table , so H 0 was rejected. It could be concluded that the relation among the tensile strength, pressure strength, and triaxial strength had a significant direction. On the other hand, according to the criterion applied, the result for the 2 nd hypothesis was -0.212 4,84 atau F hitung > F tabel, maka H 0 ditolak. Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa hubungan kuat tarik, kuat tekan dan triaksial memiliki arah yang signifikan. Sedangkan untuk hipotesis 2 berdasarkan kriteria yang digunakan yaitu -0,212 < 4,07  atau F hitung < F tabel maka H 0 diterima. sehingga disimpulkan hubungan kuat tarik, kuat tekan dan triaksial berbentuk regresi linear. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil analisis di Laboratorium Tambang dengan conto uji batugamping dapat direkomendasikan bahwa apabila pengujian kuat triaksial tidak dapat dilakukan maka dapat menggunakan pengujian kuat tekan uniaksial dan kuat tarik tidak langsung sebagai alternatif. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan hubungan keruntuhan kuat tekan uniaksial, kuat tarik tidak langsung dan kuat triaksial yang berbentuk regresi linear. Kata Kunci: Sifat Fisik, Sifat Mekanik, Kriteria Keruntuhan, Linieritas
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