Clinical picture and treatment of venomous snake bites in Yugoslavia

: Snakes of the Balkan peninsula represent an important part of the fauna of this part of Europe. Due to its biochemical complexity, snake venom cannot be compared with venoms of any other venomous animals. The primary effect of venoms of snakes of this region (Viperina) is local (myonecrosis and hemorrhage) and hemotoxic. Following the bite local signs occur very soon: pain, edema, erythema, signs of hemolysis as well as systemic: nausea, vomiting, hemorrhages in vital organs, sweating, prostration. Systemic manifestations following viperine bite, edema and hemorrhagic complications mostly disappear within a week, while coagulation disorders may persist for two or three weeks. The management of snake bites starts with application of a specific antitoxin, in our country being produced at the Institute of Immunology and Virology TORLAK in Belgrade.
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