The 7--year Continuing Analysis about the Usage of Antimicrobial Agents for Hospitalized Patients of a Three-level Class Hospital

Objects:To investigate a three level of first class hospital about the usage of antimicrobial agents in patients for 7 years to select antimicrobial agents that provides a reational guidance for clinical.Methods:To analyse and then to make a statistics on drugs in patients with type,gauge,drug use frequency,the sum and th e avertage daily cost(DDC) of this hospital from 2008 to 2014.Results:In 7 years,commonly used antimicrob ial agents for patients are cephalosporin class,penicillin,quinolone and antinoglycoside.Conclusions:The use ge of the antibacterial drugs is basically reasonable in this hospital but the hospitalized patients have a high ch oosing points of selecting medicine.For this point,it's easy to cause anti--medical efforts if they take a long--term using the same antimicrobial agents.So it should be controlled more powerfully.
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