Perfluoroalkylated acids (PFAAs) accumulate in field-exposed snails (Cepaea sp.) and affect their oxidative status.

Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are a group of synthetic persistent chemicals with distinctive properties, such as a high thermal and chemical stability, that make them suitable for a wide range of applications. They have been produced since the 1950s, resulting in a global contamination of the environment and wildlife. They are resistant to biodegradation and have the tendency to bio-accumulate in organisms and bio-magnify in the food chain. However, little is known about the bioaccumulation of PFAAs in terrestrial invertebrates, including how they affect the physiology and particularly oxidative status. Therefore, we studied the bioaccumulation of PFAAs in snails that were exposed for 3 and 6 weeks along a distance gradient radiating from a well-known fluorochemical hotspot (3M). In addition, we examined the potential effects of PFAAs on the oxidative status of these snails. Finally, we tested for relationships between the concentrations of PFAAs in snails with those in soil and nettles they were feeding on and the influence of soil physicochemical properties on these relationships. Our results showed higher concentrations of PFOA and/or PFOS in almost every matrix at the 3M site, but no concentration gradient along the distance gradient. The PFOS concentrations in snails were related to those in the nettles and soil, and were affected by multiple soil properties. For PFOA, we observed no relationships between soil and biota concentrations. Short-chained PFAAs were dominant in nettles, whereas in soil and snails long-chained PFAAs were dominant. We found a significant positive correlation between peroxidase, catalase and peroxiredoxins and PFAA concentrations, suggesting that snails, in terms of oxidative stress (OS) response, are possibly susceptible to PFAAs pollution. CAPSULE: We observed a positive correlation between the levels of PFAAs and the antioxidants peroxidase, catalase and peroxiredoxins in snails, exposed on nettles grown at contaminated sites.
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