Cytostatic-associated vomiting effectively inhibited by domperidone (R 33 812).

The effect of domperidone on vomiting due to cytostatic treatment was studied during a double-blind trial involving 41 patients. One group received the sequence domperidone-placebo and the other the reverse sequence during two consecutive courses of cytostatic therapy (chlormethine alone or in combination with other cytostatics). Domperidone 2 mg/ml or the placebo was injected IV 1 h before the start of the cytostatic treatment. A similar injection was given 4 h later. Presence, duration, and incidence of nausea and vomiting before, during, and after the peak period (period from the second up to and including the sixth hour after cytostatic injection) were measured. With respect to vomiting, domperidone was significantly superior to placebo concerning duration and effect before and after the peak period in both sequences. There was no difference during the peak period.
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