Rydberg transitions in the spectra of near-neon-like Cu and Zn ions in different laser-produced plasmas: observations and modeling

Abstract We present observations of high- n transitions in the spectra of neon-like Cu 19+ and Zn 20+ ions observed in a variety of laser-produced plasmas (LPPs). The spectra are recorded with spectral resolution λ /Δ λ =3000–8000 from three different laser sources: a 15 ns -pulse length Nd:glass, a ps-pulse length Nd:glass, a 12 ns -pulse length XeCl laser. These spectral observations are used to classify the transitions in the 2 p – nd and 2 s – np Rydberg series of the Ne-like copper and zinc ions, and to derive their first and second ionization energies. The plasma X-ray emission is simulated with a steady-state collisional-radiative model that includes the effect of self-absorption on line intensities, and the effect of hot-electron populations on the ionization balance. These spectra, along with those in our other recent work, provide a comprehensive set of data that can be used to test the accuracy of atomic-structure calculations, and to demonstrate the importance of opacity and hot electron effects on high- n transitions.
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