Complexation Key to a pH Locked Redox Reaction.

An unfavorable pH can block a feasible electron transfer for a pH dependent redox reaction. In this experiment, a series of potentiometric titrations demonstrate the sequential loss in feasibility of iron(II) dichromate redox reaction over a pH range of 0–4. The pH at which this reaction failed to occur was termed as a pH locked reaction. The comparative ability of 10 selected iron binding ligands with varied propensity for the redox potential modification of Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple to restore/unlock the pH locked redox reaction is shown using potentiometric titrations. The spectrophotometric speciation analysis of Fe(III) Tiron complexation with pH was carried out to explain the differing ability of EDTA and Tiron to unlock the reaction under different pH conditions. The experiment illustrates how environmental, biological redox reactions avoid severe laboratory conditions to occur and can be explored in the design of novel redox systems for natural attenuation of environmental toxins to their non- o...
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