La Formación Docente Autogestionada a través de la Investigación–Acción

En general en nuestro pais, y sobre todo en carreras cientifico-tecnologicas, los docentes universitarios son profesionales expertos en los temas de sus materias, pero con escasa formacion pedagogica. La misma habitualmente se impulsa a traves de programas especificos organizados desde las instituciones. Otro modo de llevar adelante esta formacion es de manera autogestionada, a partir de los intereses de los propios docentes. La Investigacion-Accion es,precisamente, un proceso de indagacion iniciado por los profesores a partir de la necesidad de comprender lo que acontece en su practica docente cotidiana para mejorarla. Este trabajo relata como, a traves de la Investigacion-Accion,un grupo de docentes organiza su formacion mediante la realizacion de seminarios, la seleccion de lecturas, la reflexion y el debate, indagando,asi,sobre los sentidos de la evaluacion en la Universidad y en los cursos deMatematica en los primeros anos del trayecto universitario. De este modoredescubrimos el sentido formativo de la evaluacion, opacado por la tradicion de evaluar para constatar los logros alcanzados por los estudiantes al finalizar un curso.A traves de este proceso modificamoslas estrategias didacticas incorporando instancias de evaluacion formativaen los cursos que impartimos. Palabras clave: formacion docente; educacion superior; investigacion-accion; seminario docente; evaluacion formativa. Self-Managed Teaching Training through “Action-Research” approach In our country (Argentina), and especially in scientific and technological programs, university teachers are generally professionals who are experts in the topics of their subjects with little pedagogical training. This lack is usually addressed through specific programs organized by higher education institutions. Another way to carry out this training is through self-directed learning, based on the interests of the teachers themselves. Action-Research is precisely a process of inquiry initiated by teachers based on the need to understand what happens in their daily teaching practice in order to improve it. This work reports on how, through an Action-Research approach, a group of teachers took the initiative and the responsibility to pursue their own learning experience through seminars, the selection of reading materials, reflection and debate. This allowed them to investigate about the purpose of assessmentin higher education settings, especially in Mathematics first year courses. In this way, they rediscovered the formative aspect of assessment which has been somehow obscured by summative evaluation. Through this process, they modified their didactic strategies and incorporated instances of formative assessment in the courses they teach. Keywords: teacher training; higher education; action – research; teacher seminars; formative evaluation.
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