Опыт применения ЭМ-технологии в молочном скотоводстве

In recent years the great interest causes use in animal husbandry of the preparations containing the live microorganisms relating to normal, physiologically reasonable microflora of an intestinal path and positively influencing an animal organism. Feeding them allows to improve processes of digestion, a metabolism, efficiency of animals and also quality and economic indicators of production. In article questions of increase of dairy efficiency of cows of black and motley breed, and also improvements of physical and chemical indicators of milk due to application in a diet of animal EM-preparations (EM effective microorganisms) are considered. As a result of application of additives the increase in dairy efficiency of cows by 8.1-25.0 % is noted, with milk of animals of skilled groups more milk fat is emitted for 10.4-14.8 kg and protein for 8.4-14.0 kg in comparison with control. The content of solid in milk of cows of skilled groups made 12.02 and 12.15 % that for 0.12 and 0.25 % it is more, than in control. The content of fat in milk of cows of control group averaged 3.57 %, and in 1 and 2 skilled groups its quantity increased by 0.05 and 0.13 % respectively. The same regularity is traced and according to the content of the general protein. Also cows of skilled groups had a level of profitability of production of milk more and made in 1 skilled 25.0 %, in 2 skilled 38.5 % against 12.5 % in control. The greatest economic effect is gained when using in feeding of cows of the preparation “EM-Kurunga”.
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