Long-term care in some Western European Countries: the Role of Public and Private Sectors

This contribution examines how ageing populations in Europe affect Long-term Care services from an economic and legal standpoint. Although long-term care services are not limited to health care services, the public expenditure for health care ser\'ices constitutes the largest portion. As a resu t, many national governments have incentivised the purchase of additional private insurance. This article analyzes the laws regarding long-term care services in Germany, France and Italy Particular attention is given to the Soziale Pflegeversicherung established in Germany, to the French contract of viager, and to the contract of prestito fiduciario vitalizio (reverse mortgage) as well as the contratto di assicurazione Long Term Care (private insurance contract of Long-term Care) in 'Italy In the conclusion, the importance of the introduction of an ad hoc Fund ruled by national law and covering LTC services is underlined
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