Maintenance of Mizāj through Ilāj bi’l Yad

Temperament and structure, both are the tools of Ṭabī’at (Physis), normalcy of which is essential at every aspect from micro to macro level in order to perform desired functions. Both are inter-related to each other, any abnormality in one of them will definitely affect the other upto some extent and then ultimately Af’al (functions). Ṭabī’at preserves and restores health with the help of Kullῑyat Uṣūl e-Ilāj based on Asbāb (factors), Alāmat (sign & symptoms), Uṣūl-e-Tashkhīṣ (principles of diagnosis) and Ilāj (treatment). Unani scholars categorised disease in three form viz., Sū’ Mizāj (dystemperament), Sū’ Tarkīb (Structural impairment), and Tafarruq-i-Ittiṣāl (discontinuity). Sū’ Mizāj can cause Sū’ Tarkīb in some conditions, whereas in case of Maraḍ Murakkab these two types are found simultaneously. Sū’ Mizāj can be revert back with the help of Ilāj bi’l; Naseeha, Tadbīr, Ghidhā, and Dawā. In case of Sū’ Tarkīb, there is need of such intervention by which we can help the body to make it normal as it was before, to the very possible extent. For this Ilāj bi’l Yad is the higher mode of help for Ṭabī’at. The teaching methodologies of Ilmul Jarahat should be in such a manner that students can understand the holistic approach of Unani Medicine in the field of surgery. This topic will be discussed in detail in this paper, with the help of few diseased conditions under the shelter of Kullῑyat Uṣūl e-Ilāj and how Ilāj bi’l Yad is a mode of treatment to restore and reconstruct Sū’ Tarkīb directly while Sū’ Mizāj indirectly.
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