Habitantes intermitentes, entre la calle y el hotel-pensión. Nuevas aproximaciones a una vieja problemática en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

This article aims to characterize a subgroup of the inhabitants of the street that lives in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA). We refer to a population enrolled in a housing “circuit” that articulates residence in a room for rent in a hotel-pension with living in public space. This group has certain peculiarities in front of the "traditional" inhabitant of the street who is who develops his daily life mainly in the field of the street, a situation that also exists in a habitual and growing way. It is interesting to stop at the experience of inhabiting the street, from a broad perspective that contemplates those who "discontinuously" also inhabit it. This population, called as intermittent street inhabitants, is produced and reproduced from the form assumed by the public policy addressed to these sectors. We refer to a program that is based on the delivery of “housing subsidies” to rent a room in a hotel-pension. This program turns out to be one of the main policies that the city has to mitigate the housing problem. From politics it is conceived that access to this subsidy is a response or "solution" to the emergency caused by living in the street. However, as we will try to capture in this work, this type of interventions not only does not lead to a definitive solution, but, on the contrary, they collaborate in the reproduction of the social and housing problem in which the beneficiaries of the program meet. The results present in this article are based on the findings, based on primary sources, of the doctoral theses of the authors. One of them analyzed the life experience of the inhabitants of the street and the other worked the problem of the inhabitants of the hotel-pension. Based on the search for contact points and differentiation between the two investigations, this article originated.
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