The effect of artificial rain on wave spectra and multi-polarisation X band radar backscatter

We have carried out wind-wave tank measurements using wave-height and wave-slope gauges and a coherent 9.8 GHz (X band) scatterometer, when the water surface was agitated by heavy rain (160 mm h- 1 to 300 mm h -1 ) and by wind (2 ms- 1 to 12 ms -1 ). The upwind-looking scatterometer was operating at co- (VV- and HH-) and cross- (HV-) polarisation at a steep incidence angle of 28°. In the presence of rain, the power spectral density of the wind-wave spectra is enhanced at frequencies above about 5 Hz and it is reduced at lower frequencies. This is the net effect of surface roughness production by the rain-induced splash products and of wave damping by the rain-induced turbulence. We measured isotropic (rain-dominated) wave spectra at low wind speeds and anisotropic (wind-dominated) wave spectra at high wind speeds, with a transition wind speed that increases with rain rate. The radar backscattering at co-polarisation at low wind speeds is mainly caused by rain-induced ring waves, whereas at cross-polarisat...
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