[Foundation of pharmaceutical policy in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina].

: Pharmaceuticals are inevitable domain of disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment. The basic objective of pharmaceutical sector reform is to meet the needs of the majority of the population with the essential pharmaceuticals, which are proven as effective, evaluated quality and affordable prices. That objective could be achieved by undertaking a range of measures within the national pharmaceutical policy as an integral part of the overall health, policy in the country. Key elements of that policy should be: pharmaceutical management at the level of the Federal Ministry of Health and cantonal ministrie of health, pharmaceutical legislative documents, rationalization of pharmaceutical therapy (choices of essential pharmaceuticals, choices of pharmaceuticals covered by the resources of health insurance funds, list of hospital pharmaceuticals, selections during pharmaceuticals registration, educational measures, surveillance of measures), spreading information on pharmaceuticals by the pharmaceutical information centre, pharmaceutical supply (local pharmaceutical production, pharmaceuticals import, humanitarian assistance), funding of pharmaceuticals costs (cantonal and hospital lists of pharmaceuticals,) other reform strategies (quality control of pharmaceuticals, surveillance of side-effects, role of pharmacists in health system, environment protection) and strengthening of inspector surveillance.
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