Different but same: Croatian experience of Islamic community inclusion into society

In 2002 the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Islamic Community of Croatia signed the Treaty on the Points of Common Interest. The Treaty stipulates the position of the Islamic religious community considering the historical and the present roles of the Islamic Community. Although Croatian Muslims (most of them are Bosnian and Herzegovinian origin) make up only 1, 5 % of the country`s population, they are considered as an example of the most successful integration of the Muslim minority in Europe. Reason for that can be traced back to the late 19th and beginning of 20th century. According to the Croatian-Hungarian Compromise of 1868 which regulated the position of Croatia within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Croatia had the autonomy in religious matters. Accordingly, the Croatian Parliament passed acts regulating the position of various religious communities including Islam (1916). As a result, Muslims were granted the right of public worship, as well as the independence in the religious, educational and association matters. Legal protection was granted to the religious officials, as well as the Islamic teachings, acts and customs, unless contrary to the legal regulations in force. Recognition of Islam meant that Muslims were entitled to the same rights as Croatian citizens. This was a legal base for their inclusion in Croatian society and becoming its full member since there was no more obstacle that prevented Muslims from settling permanently and gaining citizenship.
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