A patient blood rapid detection of paraquat

A patient blood paraquat rapid detection method, 1) the establishment of paraquat high performance liquid chromatography: HPLC conditions: HPLC, column shim-pack: vp-ODS column (4.6mm * 250mm, 5μm ), mobile phase: acetonitrile -0.02mol / L octyl sulfonate, sodium octyl with 0.26moL / L of phosphoric acid adjusted to pH 2.5; flow rate: 1.0mL · min-1; column temperature 25 ℃ ; detection wavelength 254nm; 2) preparation of serum containing PQ: preparation of reference substance: 200 L precision drawing healthy human serum, was added an aqueous solution of known concentration PQ 100 L, swirling mix 400μL of acetonitrile was added, centrifuged 10min, the supernatant was centrifuged 10min, the supernatant was subjected to HPLC analysis; 3) preparation of sample: 200 L serum precision drawing, swirling mix 400μL of acetonitrile was added 1min, centrifuged 10min, the supernatant was centrifuged 10min, the supernatant was subjected to HPLC analysis; 4) blank solution was prepared: healthy human serum precision drawing 200 L, 100 L of distilled water was added, vortex mixed with 400μL of acetonitrile was added 1min, centrifuged 10min, the supernatant was centrifuged 10min, the supernatant for HPLC analysis.
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