PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN KETERAMPILAN METAKOGNITIF PADA KONSEP JAMUR Abstract Metacognition involves critical thinking skills, reflective of the cognitive processes of learners who simultaneously monitor their learning success. This research is aimed to develop metacognitive skill instrument on the mushroom concept of class X students of SMA Negeri in South Tangerang. Development research method / Formative Research from van den Akker (2006) with cycle/spiral process: analysis, design, evaluation and revision, systematic reflection and documentation. The metacognitive skills instrument consists of 12 questions, with the construction of 3 high order thinking skill, open-ended, cognitive thinking questions with 9 questions of metacognitive skills (planning, monitoring, and evaluation). Instruments validated through expert judgment and trial test were limited to 38 students and obtained Cronbach Alpha value of 0.832 (high criterion). The instrument was then revised and  re-tested on 96 learners and obtained by Alpha Cronbach 0.746 (high category). The results of this study acquired an alternative method of metacognitive skills measurement of learners are integrated into the biology of learning in the classroom. Abstrak Metakogisi melibatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, reflektif terhadap proses kognitif peserta didik yang secara simultan memantau keberhasilan belajarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen keterampilan metakognitif pada konsep Jamur peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri di Tangerang Selatan. Metode penelitian pengembangann atau development research dari van den Akker (2006) dengan proses siklus/spiral: analisis, desain, evaluasi dan revisi, refleki sistematik dan dokumentasi. Instrumen keterampilan metakognitif berjumlah 12 pertanyaan, dengan konstruksi  3 pertanyaan kognitif berpikir tingkat tinggi, open ended disertai 9 pertanyaan keterampilan metakognitif (perencanaan, monitoring, dan evaluasi). Instrumen divalidasi melalui expert judgment dan uji coba terbatas pada 38 peserta didik dan diperoleh nilai reliabilitas Alpha Cronbach 0.832 (kategori tinggi). Instrumen kemudian direvisi dan diuji coba kembali  pada 96 peserta didik dan  diperoleh nilai Alpha Cronbach 0.746 (kategori tinggi). Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh alternatif metode pengukuran keterampilan metakognitif peserta didik yang terintegrasi dalam pembelajaran biologi di kelas.
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