Трахибазальты и авгититы дворецкого комплекса (средний Урал, Пермский край) и Оценка их пригодности для производства базальтового волокна

The petrographic and petrochemical investigations of the Dvoretsky formation rocks were held as the part of an international research scientists group project «Evaluation of mineral base of Perm region for the provision of high quality basalt fiber production). According to the petrographic description the rocks are trachybasalts and avgi-tites. It is established that the rocks have a stable chemical composition, but different character of secondary changes and heterogeneous structures and textures. The acidity module (ratio of the amount of acidic oxides Si0 2+Al 20 3 to the amount of alkali oxides CaO+MgO) is in average 3,6 for avgitites, and 4,4 for trachybasalts. These characteristics correspond with the main requirements for the rocks for the basalt fiber production.
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