Elimination of hexamethylene diisocyanate cross-linked polypeptides in patients with normal or impaired renal function.

Infusions of 3.5% isocyanate cross-linked polypeptide solution 500 ml were given to 52 patients with normal or impaired renal function: glomerular filtration rate (GFR)=0–133 ml/min. The serum concentration and urinary excretion of hydroxyproline were measured and the equivalent polypeptide concentrations were calculated from the results. In patients with normal renal function (GFR>90 ml/min) the proportion of polypeptide excreted in the urine up to 12 h was 45.4±2.6% (\(\bar X\)±SEM), up to 24 h 47.7±2.9% and up to 48 h 49.3±3.4%. In patients with moderate renal insufficiency (GFR=30–90 ml/min) there was no decrease in polypeptide excretion and even in patients with more serious impairment of GFR (11–30 ml/min) 48-h urinary polypeptide excretion was still 40.6±5.9%. In patients with GFR of 2–10 ml/min polypeptide excretion fell to 10.7±3.2% during the first 12 h, although there was an increase in later collection periods as compared to patients with normal renal function −19.9±3.9% in 24 h and 27.0±3.5% in 48 h. The elimination half-life (t1/2) calculated from serum concentrations was 505±30 min (\(\bar X\)±SEM) in patients with normal renal function (GFR>90 ml/min). Only when the GFR fell below 30 ml/min did it slowly begin to increase. In patients with minimal residual renal function (GFR=0–0.5 ml/min), who were on haemodialysis, the elimination half-life was 985±49 min, i.e. approximately twice the normal. Twice weekly infusion of 3.5% polypeptide solution 500 ml over a period of 6 weeks did not produce any significant cumulation in haemodialysis patients (GFR=0–0.5 ml/min). A weekly dose of polypeptide 35 g appeared to be quite safe when given for several weeks, even to anuric patients. As no significant amount of polypeptide was lost during haemodialysis, the dose can be chosen without taking into account any effect of intermittent haemodialysis.
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