Hubungan Tugas Keperawatan Kesehatan Keluarga dengan Upaya Pencegahan Risiko Jatuh pada Lasia

The general objective of the study is known the relationship between family health task with efforts of prevention the risk of falls in older at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabaya. The study was cross sectional analytic design, where the population is all the families in which there are elderly at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabaya. The population are 150 people. The sample are selected by simple randon sampling, 100 families. The independent variables is family health task, and the dependent variable is the effort to prevent the risk of falls in older. Confounding variable are the socio-economic research, education, ethniCity or race, religion, sex. The collection of data are using a Close-Ended Questions contain about 5 of family health tasks. Questionnaire data collection has been in validity test. The data be arialysed with Kendall's tau correlation with the degree of significance = 0.05. The results are: 1) For the implementation of family health care task Elderly at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabaya are fair and sutticient; 2) Prevention efforts fall risk of elderly at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabal.a is sutticent; only a small portion are less, 3) There is no relationship between the tasks of nursing elderly families with efforts to prevent the risk of falls in older adults at Kecamatan Krembangan in Surabaya. Be recommended: 1) For Elderly Family: (a) to learn more about the risk of falls in elderly issues, (b) in order to make the right decisions when the elderly with problems, (c) trying to be able to care for the elderly, (d) to make use of facilities health services in the surrounding area, (e) attempt to gain knowledge and increase awareness about the health problems older people and (f) seeks to prevent the risk of falls in the elderly, 2) to the Community are: (a) necessary to increase attention to family at risk of falling for elderly in the family, (b) necessary to increase prevention efforts; 3) For Health Care Institutions: to make appropriate interventions and is able to be done on elderly and families, 4) For further research: the results of this study can be used as data base for conduct another study in the family.
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