[Orthotopic ileal neobladder of the Emikock type: technical points and functional results].

: Ileal orthotopic neobladder represents, nowadays, the best urinary diversion after cystectomy. Emikock procedure was performed, in our institution, in 26 patients with bladder cancer T2-T4. At 6-60 months of follow-up 3 pts were died with local or at distance neoplastic recurrence, 2 were alive with neoplasms and 21 were NED. Nocturnal continence was good in 22 cases (88%) and only 3 patients were obstructed because of pseudodyssynergia in 2 and stricture in 1. Emikock neobladder even if needs a longer surgical time than other procedure and a long ileal tract is almost free from severe metabolic disorders. This technique offers a good protection of high urinary tract because of antireflux nipple and avoid the uretero-intestinal stricture. It not feasible, now, to know the functional trend of this reservoir on the long term. Adequate postoperative training is recommended to avoid the pseudodyssynergia and functional obstruction of reservoir.
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