Tropilaelaps mite: an emerging threat to European honey bee

The risk of transmission of honey bee parasites has increased substantially as a result of trade globalization and technical developments in transportation efficacy. Great concern over honey bee decline has accelerated research on newly emerging bee pests and parasites. These organisms are likely to emerge from Asia as it is the only region where all 10 honey bee species co-occur. Varroa destructor , an ectoparasitic mite, is a classic example of a pest that has shifted from A. cerana , a cavity nesting Asian honey bee to A. mellifera , the European honey bee. In this review, we will describe the potential risks to global apiculture of the global expansion of Tropilaelaps mercedesae , originally a parasite of the open-air nesting Asian giant honey bee, compared to the impact of V. destructor .
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