Reward and decision making in corticobasal ganglia networks

Overview. 1. Learning About Multiple Attributes of Reward in Pavlovian Conditioning: Andrew R. Delamater and Stephen Oakeshott. 2. Should I Stay or Should I Go? Transformation of Time-discounted Rewards in Orbitofrontal Cortex and Associated Brain Circuits: M.R. Roesch, D.J. Calu, K.A. Burke, and G. Schoenbaum. 3. Model-based fMRI and its Application to Reward-learning and Decision Making: John P. O'Doherty, Alan Hampton and Hackjin Kim. 4. Splitting the Difference: How Does the Brain Code Reward Episodes?: Brian Knutson and G. Elliott Wimmer. 5. Reward-related Responses in the Human Striatum: Mauricio R. Delgado. 6. Integration of Cognitive and Motivational Information in the Primate Lateral Prefrontal Cortex: Masamichi Sakagami and Masataka Watanabe. 7. Mechanisms of Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making in the Primate Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Daeyeol Lee and Hyojung Seo. 8. Resisting the Power of Temptations: The Right Prefrontal Cortex and Self-control: Daria Knoch and Ernst Fehr. 9. Adding Prediction Risk to the Theory of Reward Learning: Kerstin Preuschoff and Peter Bossaerts. 10. Still at the Choice-point: Action Selection and Initiation in Instrumental Conditioning: Bernard W. Balleine and Sean B. Ostlund. 11. Plastic Corticostriatal Circuits for Action Learning: What's Dopamine Got to Do with It?: Rui Costa. 12. Striatal Contributions to Reward and Decision Making: Making Sense of Regional Variations in a Reiterated Processing Matrix: Jeffery R. Wickens, Christopher S. Budd, Brian I. Hyland, and Gordon W. Arbuthnott. 13. Multiple Representations of Belief States and Action Values in Cortico-basal Ganliga Loops: Kazuyuki Samejima and Kenji Doya. 14. Basal Ganglia Mechanisms of Reward-oriented Eye Movement: Okihide Hikosaka. 15. Contextual Control of Choice Performance: Behavioral, Neurobiological, and Neuro-chemical Influences: J.E. Haddon and S. Killcross. 16. A "Good Parent" Function for Dopamine: Transient Modulation of Learning and Performance During Early Stages of Training: Jon C Horvitz, Won Yung Choi, Cecile Morvan, Yaniv Eyny and Peter Balsam. 17. Serotonin and the Evaluation of Future Rewards: Theory, Experiments, and Possible Neural Mechanisms: Nicolas Schweighofer, Saori C. Tanaka, and Kenji Doya. 18. Receptor Theory and Biological Constraints on Value: Gregory S. Berns, C. Monica Capra, and Charles Noussair. 19. Reward Prediction Error Computation in the Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus Neurons: Yasushi Kobayashi and Kenichi Okada. 20. A Computational Model of Craving and Obsession: David Redish and Adam Johnson. 21. Calculating the Cost of Acting in Prefrontal Cortex: Mark E. Walton, Peter H. Rudebeck, David M. Bannerman, and Matthew F. S. Rushworth. 22. Cost, Benefit, Tonic, Phasic: What Do Response Rates Tell Us About Dopamine and Motivation?: Yael Niv. Index of Contributors
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