Prostaglandin e1 on infradiaphragmatic type of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection - a case report.

ABSTRACT We present the case of a newborn with severe pulmonary hypertension, diagnosed with infradiaphragmatic type of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC). The onset was in the first 10 days of life. Diagnosis was made by echocardiography and AngioCT. The pulmonary venous collector was surgically implanted into the left atrium in Germany, but the next month after surgery he developed cardiopulmonary insufficiency and died several days later. We would like to emphasize the importance of prostaglandin E1 administration in this particular case of infradiaphragmatic type of TAPVC and its usefulness in patient's stabilization until surgery. The prognosis in TAPVC, infradiaphragmatic type, is poor and is related mainly to the existence of pulmonary venous obstruction.
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