Launching of series fabrication of the LHC main quadrupoles

A collaboration agreement between CERN and CEA-Saclay resulted in the successful development and construction of prototypes of the LHC main superconducting quadrupole magnets and their assembly into cold masses. A call for tender was issued in October 1999 and led to the adjudication of a contract to ACCEL Instruments. A number of components will be provided by CERN to be used either directly by ACCEL for integration into the cold mass units or by subsuppliers before delivery to ACCEL. During the series fabrication, CEA's engineers and technicians, already experienced from their prototype work, will ensure the technology transfer and the technical follow-up in the factory. ACCEL had to adapt two large fabrication halls to the needs of the magnet fabrication and the cold mass assembly. Procedures for a tight quality assurance and the logistics for the timely supply of components and a high production rate are being established in close collaboration by the three parties concerned.
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