Eleven-year experience with a web-based medication occurrence (MO) reporting tool in a community oncology practice.

53 Background: At ASCO 2007, we presented 2 year experience with a web-based Medication Occurrence (MO) reporting tool. We now report the 11 year experience in a single outpatient oncology practice. Methods: Since December 2003, Texas Oncology (TxO) sites have entered information on Medication Occurrence (MO) reports in an electronic Variance Reporting tool. The pharmacy management team generates reports monthly for the Texas Oncology Quality Oversight Committee and each site Quality Committee for analysis and follow-up action. The data are analyzed according to a pre-set group of parameters (retail vs. clinic, near miss vs. actual occurrence, severity level 1-8, categories of occurrence). Recently these data were analyzed for the years 2004-2014 to assess trends in MOs. Results: Over 11 years there were 2,163,249 transactions for a chemotherapy infusion or injection. There were 10845 MOs of which 5,143 were adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Near misses accounted for 16.7% of unadjusted MO rate and 31.8% whe...
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