Cost effectiveness and patient benefit of digital image management systems for radiology

: In many countries today, politicians are faced with the difficulty of having to reduce the overproportional increase in the cost of healthcare. In this context the contribution of medical technology to costs in the total spent are nearly always overestimated and its potential for savings underestimated. Based on international studies, investment and subsequent running costs for large, high-tech systems for diagnosis and therapy will be shown to account for only about 1% of the total cost of healthcare. Impressive examples of the application of computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography and digital angiography deliver statistics regarding valid patient benefits and efficiency of modern diagnostic imaging systems. Studies about related therapeutic possibilities of angioplasty and extra-corporal lithotripsy demonstrate the overall economic advantages of modern medical technology. Arising from the positive results due to the use of such equipment, the additional cost savings potential to be expected by networking these digital modalities with one another, as well as with other information and communications technology systems, will be analysed. The results will be assessed and compared to experience gained from routine clinical operation of such integrated systems. 72% of the total turnover of the Medical Engineering Group of Siemens AG for diagnostic imaging modalities in 1991/1992 arose from digital imaging modalities, and this percentage is expected to continue to increase. This paper will concentrate on these modern digital methods.
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