Ultrastructure of the epididymis and vas deferens of agoutis at different stages of sexual development

Abstract The agouti ( Dasyprocta spp.) is a rodent found predominantly in the Brazilian Caatinga and has importance as an alternative source of protein. In this study, the objective was to describe the ultrastructure of components of sperm pathways, especially the epididymis and vas deferens, during sexual development of agoutis kept in captivity. Segments of the vas deferens and epididymis of 8 agouti males at different stages of sexual development (prepubescent, prepubertal, pubescent, and adult) were fixed in glutaraldehyde. The following laboratory procedures were performed: histology following the standard protocol for semithin cut (toluidine blue), and transmission electron microscopy. This was a pioneer study in which it was observed that the epididymis of agoutis is composed of principal, basal, halogen, apical, and clean cells. During prepubescent and prepubertal stages, clean cells were observed in addition to principal, basal, and halogen cells. Once puberty was reached, apical cells were also present, and clean cells were no longer visible. This epithelial change during sexual development is possibly due to physiological functions. The interaction between these cells supports this, and age probably influenced the change. With regard to the vas deferens, this study was also a pioneer to note that before pubescence there were two muscle layers, differing from older animals, which had three muscle layers. This may be due to lack of sperm transit in younger animals. We concluded that the pseudostratified stereociliated epithelium of the epididymis and vas deferens of agoutis kept in captivity undergo morphological and functional changes during sexual development.
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