A High-Throughput Dose-Response Cellular Thermal Shift Assay for Rapid Screening of Drug Target Engagement in Living Cells, Exemplified Using SMYD3 and IDO1.

A persistent problem in early small-molecule drug discovery is the frequent lack of rank-order correlation between biochemical potencies derived from initial screens using purified proteins and the diminished potency and efficacy observed in subsequent disease-relevant cellular phenotypic assays. The introduction of the cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA) has bridged this gap by enabling assessment of drug target engagement directly in live cells based on ligand-induced changes in protein thermal stability. Initial success in applying CETSA across multiple drug target classes motivated our investigation into replacing the low-throughput, manually intensive Western blot readout with a quantitative, automated higher-throughput assay that would provide sufficient capacity to use CETSA as a primary hit qualification strategy. We introduce a high-throughput dose-response cellular thermal shift assay (HTDR-CETSA), a single-pot homogenous assay adapted for high-density microtiter plate format. The assay feature...
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