A Study on the Effect of Internal Marketing of Central Purse Seine Fisheries on Crewmen 's Attitude - A Focus on the Moderating Effects of Need -for -Achievement -

Abstract This survey was conducted with crewmen on large purse seines in order to increase satisfaction of crewmen .The degree of fulfillment of internal marketing on crewmen (internal communication , empowerment, welfarebenefits , management support, and reward system ), satisfaction of crewmen , turnover intention ,recommendation intention and need for achievement were examined . 200 surveys were distributed and 150surveys were returned , among which insincere responses were excluded to analyze 146 responses.The results are as follows. First, factors of internal marketing that influence satisfaction of crewmeninclude empowerment, welfare benefits, and reward system . Second , turnover intention was reduced andrecommendation intention was increased with increasing satisfaction of crewmen . Third , while need forachievement moderated the relationship between satisfaction of crewmen and turnover intention , it did notmoderate the relationship between satisfaction of crewmen and recommendation intention . In other words,stronger need of crewmen for achievement causes greater negative (-) effect of crewmen ’ssatisfaction onturnover intention .Keywords : Large purse seines, Internal marketing , Satisfaction of crewmen , Need for achievement
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