Состояние онкологической помощи больным раком предстательной железы в Омской области в 2005-2010 гг.

Objective: to study the frequency and dynamics of morbidity and mortality in male population of Omsk region with prostate cancerfor the period from 2005 to 2010. Materials and methods . A retrospective analysis was carried out for the periodfrom 2005 to 2010 of the initial diagnosis of1840patients with prostate cancer and the causes of death of837men in the Omsk region. The contingents of patients with prostate cancer were studied depending on the geographic location, size and composition of the region’s population. The data of the updated base of the population cancer registry and the main reporting forms were used. Results. There was an increase in the absolute number of diagnosed patients with prostate cancer for the first time by an average of 9.9 % annually. The downward trend was in the number of patients with I—II tumor stage lesions. Stable high annual detection of patients was with stage III (more than 50 %). The advanced forms of prostate cancer accounted for up to 24.4 %. The absolute number of men registered had increased by 52.4 %. The annual mortality rate decreased by an average of 5.7 %. During the monitoring period the absolute number of dead patients increased by an average of 6.7 % annually. Conclusion. The development and regional implementation of the Program for the early diagnosis and screening of prostate cancer based on a set of simple and generally accessible methods is advisable.
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