ECOLOGY, BEHAVIOR AND BIONOMICS El Comportamiento Acústico de Fenestra bohlsii Giglio-Tos (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Gomphocerinae)

The acoustic behavior of Fenestra bohlsii Giglio-Tos is described for the fi rst time. The sounds and behaviors were observed and registered in captivity. The signals were digitized with the Sound-Blaster AWE64 Gold program and analysed with the Avisoft SAS Lab Pro 30 PC for MS Windows software. Seven different types of sounds are described as produced by males: spontaneous song (also used during the courtship), two different types of courtship song, assault song, tapping associated to the courtship, interaction between males and fl y crackling. For each one, the characteristic oscillograms and frequency spectra are given. Sounds are produced by different mechanisms: femoro-tegminal stridulation, typical for Gomphocerinae, fl y crackling, hind tarsi tapping and alar beat, the last produced by the beat and clash of hind alae, that is, the castanet method which up to now was only known, among Orthoptera, in Stenobothrus rubicundulus Kruseman & Jeekel. A description of the stridulatory fi le of male and female is given, as well as that of the alar special structures. Behavioral units and their sequence during the courtship are defi ned. There, in addition to the acoustic signals, visual signals are present, referring to positions, hind legs, antennae and palpi movements and body vibrations.
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