Perancangan Website pada MIM PK Wirogunan Menggunakan Wordpress

Website is an online media that is used as information, promotion and communication media, therefore It’s important to institution in millenial era especialy for school. MIM PK Wirogunan is a new school that uses konventional method to promote their program, so only limit society knowing them. Designing website at MIM PK Wirogunan in orde to access information widely and to promote program efectively and eficiet, so it could be renowned by society. In designing this website uses xampp, wordpress with many plugin such as elementor, costum post type UI, advanced custom fields, ninja tables, and formidable forms. This website used waterfall method, because it was done sequencely so sistematically and smoothly design. Then website is online operated using hosting from and tested used black box test to confirm all system and website page smoothly and minized error system. Therefore it designs a accessable, smooth, interested website to gain payable and timeless design that is paid by school and public.
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