Efficacy of some herbicides in wheat crop

In 2001 and 2002 field trials were carried out to evaluate efficacy of eight herbicides, alone or in the combinations, in winter wheat crop, in the Južni Banat region. The next herbicides were examined: 2,4-D, Fluroksypyr Tribenuronmethyl, 2,4-D+Florasulam, Bentazon+Dicamba, Triasulfuron+Dicamba lodosulphuron-methylodium+Amidosulphuron Herbicides were applied after tillering of wheat was over. More frequent weed species were: Anthemis arvensis, Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis Delphinium consolida, Fumaria officinalis, Galium aparine, Lamium purpureum Polygonum convolvulus, Ranunculus arvensis, Sinapis arvensis, Stellaria media, Veronica polita i Viola tricolor. The most sensitive weed species to all herbicides were S. arvensis and Ch. album. The most tolerant was G. aparine (exept to fluroxipyr). The other species were less sensitive and herbicides eficacy were good or satisfactory, exept to V. polita and D. consolida. These results sugest that all applied herbicides could be successful in broad leaves weed control in the winter wheat crop in the Južni Banat region.
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