Quasiparticle interactions in frustrated Heisenberg chains

Interactions between elementary excitations in quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets are of experimental relevance and their quantitative theoretical treatment has been a theoretical challenge for many years. Using matrix product states, one can explicitly determine the wave functions of the one- and two-particle excitations, and, consequently, the contributions to dynamical correlations. We apply this framework to the (nonintegrable) frustrated dimerized spin-1/2 chain, a model for generic spin-Peierls systems, where low-energy quasiparticle excitations are bound states of topological solitons. The spin structure factor involving two quasiparticle scattering states is obtained in the thermodynamic limit with full momentum and frequency resolution. This allows very subtle features in the two-particle spectral function to be revealed which, we argue, could be seen, e.g., in inelastic neutron scattering of spin-Peierls compounds under a change of the external pressure.
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