Tradable permit schemes for managing morning commute with carpool under parking space constraint

This paper proposes two tradable parking permit schemes for managing the morning commute with three alternative modes, i.e., transit, driving alone and carpool, under the parking space constraint at destination. The commuting equilibrium and system-optimal distributions of parking permits are further investigated in a many-to-one multi-modal network setting. It is found that the prices of parking permits, regardless of whether the trip is completed as a carpool or not, decrease with the parking supply, and the price for a solo driver to pay is larger than that a carpooler should pay. Furthermore, the tradable undifferentiated parking permit scheme with a uniform price is more efficient than the tradable differentiated parking permit scheme for solo-driving and carpool vehicles, but the former significantly changes the permit-holding order of solo drivers and carpoolers when the parking supply is relatively low.
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