Screening of flax gene pool samples by fiber yield and their adaptability to the conditions of the Central Non-Black Earth Region

The research was carried out in 2017-2019 in the conditions of the Smolensk region on sod-podzolic medium loamy slightly acidic soil. The study included 25 varieties and lines of fiber flax of domestic and foreign selection. The mid-ripening variety Impuls (Russia) was used as a standard, whose yield, depending on the test year, was 1.07...1.29 t/ha. As shown by the calculations of the index of environmental conditions, the most favorable conditions for fiber flax developed in 2018 (I j = +0.46), and stress conditions, caused by excessive moisture during the critical period of plant growth and development (GTC = 1.7), in 2017 (I j = -0.55). On average, over the years of research, the yield of fiber, depending on the genotype, varied in the range of 1.00...1.97 t/ha. The highest yield on average for three years of testing (1.78...1.97 t/ha) and average yield in contrasting conditions were characteristic of the varieties Cesar, Sinel, Dobrinya (Russia), Marylin (Holland), Andrea, Altea (France). Under favorable weather conditions (2018), a high potential for the yield of flax fiber compared to the average value (121.5...133.3 %) was obtained in the varieties Cesar, Dobrinya, Sinel (Russia), Belita (Belarus), Andrea, Altea (France), Marylin (Holland). Under stressful conditions (2017), high adaptability was found in the samples of the Russian selection Cesar (173.4 %), Sinel (168.0 %), Dobrinya (151.1 %), Tost 3 (128.7 %), Alfa, Universal (127.7 %). The varieties Surskiy (bi = 2.2), Belita (Belarus), l. 323-02 (Russia), Marylin (Holland) − 1.7, Alexandrit (Russia), Andrea (France) – 1.5. Were characterized by high responsiveness to cultivation conditions (b i > 1). Russian varieties with a relatively stable yield: Cesar, Sinel – 0.7, Alpha – 0.6, Lider, Smolich, Tost 3, Universal – 0.5, Impuls – 0,2 did not show reaction to changes in growing conditions (b i <1). Thus, the domestic varieties Cesar, Dobrinya and Sinel have the highest yield of flax fiber and adaptability to the soil and climatic conditions of the Central Non–Black Earth Region. Expansion of fiber flax acreage under these varieties will provide strengthening of the domestic raw material base.
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